Pool Installation

Pool Installation

Aquascape uses only factory-trained, field-tested installers to ensure years of trouble-free pool ownership.

Not all installations are the same, our experienced pool techs follow time tested fiberglass pool installation practices so you and your family are able to enjoy your investment now and for years to come!

Clean and Safe Jobsites

A silt fence barrier is used around the construction site and backyard access lane to protect your property and that of your neighbors. Jobsites are cleaned and organized daily to keep the construction area safe and tidy. 

Speed of Installation

Our fiberglass pools are installed in 60 days and over 50% of the time in 30 days.

Pool techs are not on site everyday, however they are on site most days and the scheduling team keeps you informed.

The Best Bottom Base Materials

All aquascape fiberglass pools use a solid rock bottom, this ensures that the base of pool never moves or washes out with the high water content in most of our installation areas.

The Best Plumbing Materials

Only schedule 40 solid PVC hard pipe is used for plumbing as well as proper PVC cleaner/primer and glue. 

Product tech-sheets are followed for proper fit and watertight bonding products. All the plumbing is tested and inspected by a 3rd party.

Dewatering Piper for Monitoring/Removing Groundwater

A groundwater hydrostatic release tube is installed in all of our pools because fiberglass pools will eventually have to be drained. At which point you must be able to identify the level of groundwater around the shell in order to prevent damage that can be caused by hydrostatic pressure, which can cause pools to pop out of the ground.

Since we'd like you to enjoy your investment for years to come, Aquascape includes the water control tube in all pools

Solid Concrete Bond Beam Footer

To lock your fiberglass pool in the ground, we encase your pool shell with a solid 12" concrete bond beam around the pool shell and lip. This serves to anchor the pool coping to the bond beam for a solid deck base.


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